Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Border-Line Personalities

En este libro, uno encontrara una variedad de historias que se regresan a la certitud que todas Latinas compartimos algo en común.

Esta lleno de muchas cosas que han influido a las escritoras del libro para ser las mujeres que son hoy al igual a las de mañana.

Me gustó mucho leer estas historias personales que comparten estas mujeres en conjunción con que "...somos Latinas. Por herencia y por que lo elegimos." como a dicho Michelle Herrera Mulligan quien junto a Robyn Moreno edito el libro Border-Line Personalities

Os lo recomiendo

Pueden comprar el libro en

In this book, one will find a variety of stories that link back

to the fact that Latinas all share a common ground. It's one with different tidbits that make them who they are today and how they pave the roads for tomorrow.

I really enjoyed reading the intimate stories these women shared in conjunction to the fact that "...we are Latinas. Through heritage & by choice." as stated by Michelle Herrera Mulligan in Border-Line Personalities who edited the book with along with Robyn Moreno

I recommend it

The book is available on

Google Images



  1. thank you for passing by and leaving your sweet comment! remember you can keep in touch following me via bloglovin or facebook!
    xoxo from rome

  2. Well written!... I've been looking to read a spanish novel. Thanks love! I'll look into it. Do you think Barnes and Noble will have it? I hate online shopping... :(

  3. online shopping isn't so bad lol
    but I just checked Barnes & Noble
    and they do have it

    and thanks for stopping by <3


  4. que buena pinta tiene el librito, cuando tenga tiempo me lo leoo!

    me alegra estar tu blog!

    un besitoo!

  5. este libro se ve bastante interesante lo checaré :)


thank you